Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
Mass Media

Mass Media Accreditation Procedure for the Sixteenth Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival — 2024

To get accreditation for the events of the Sixteenth Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival — 2024 is necessary to:

  1. Get acquainted with the Provisions of the Mass Media Accreditation Procedure;
  2. Get acquainted with the Policy of the Mass Media Accreditation and Working Procedures at the 2024 Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival;
  3. Send by 12:00 (daytime), July 26, 2024 (not later) to an official request for issuing accreditation. The request should contain: an application form; lists of individuals and vehicles to be accredited, finalized in the Demand Editor 4.0, an application editing program (hereafter Editor); photos of individuals in the required format; consent for processing of the personal data in the form of a scan. Lists of individuals and vehicles to be accredited should be sent in the form a scan with the signature and stamp of the applicant as well as in the electronic form finalized in the Demand Editor 4.0 application editing program.

We’d like to draw your attention that the number and order of individuals and vehicles in the lists must fully coincide in all the versions.

Each Media representative should fill in all the points of the application form, including information about accreditation issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (for the foreign Media) and registration certificates issued by Roskomnadzor (for the Media residents of the Russian Federation). Each application form should be appended with an individual photo (a JPG of 3×4 format with resolution not less than 300 dpi; portraying full face, on a light background with clearly visible facial features, without hats or glasses; the title of the photo must be «Surname Name.jpg») as well as an individual consent for processing of the personal data which would be carried out by the Festival Accreditation Center.

Information about providing a parking lot for DSNGs (digital satellite newsgathering vehicles) and OB vans (outside broadcast vans) should be filled in the Editor in the section Transport. Full information about drivers, engineers and other technical specialists should be filled in the Editor in the section Persons.

All application forms for accreditation should be sent before 12:00 (daytime) July 26, 2024.

Applicants will get their accreditation badges only after receiving confirmation that their accreditation badges are ready.

Accreditation badges will be handed out in the Accreditation Center situated on Vasil’evskiy Spusk (from Varvarka St.). Working schedule: 19 — 21 of August 2024, office hours: Monday — Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (break from 2 pm to 3 pm).


To obtain accreditation documents, you must present your passport. If accreditation documents are received by a third party, the authorized person must:

  • present an identification document (passport);
  • present copies of passports of all persons for whom the authorized representative receives accreditation documents (accreditation documents will not be issued to persons whose passport copies are not presented).

The fact of submitting application forms for accreditation is regarded as the confirmation that all the individuals indicated in the application form are acquainted with the Provisions of the Mass Media Accreditation Procedure and Policy of the Mass Media Accreditation and Working Procedures at the Sixteenth Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival in 2023 and that they give their consent to follow all the rules and conditions.

Please note that the processing procedure of the application forms takes at least three weeks.
