Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

Military Bands in the Parks: Opening Ceremony

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The 2019 season of the Military Bands in the City Parks will kick off this Saturday, May 18, in the Alexander Garden. This year the beginning of the season is going to coincide with the Day of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Moscow.

Supported by the Russian Ministry of Defense and Moscow’s Department of Culture, the Directorate of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Tattoo is steadily carrying on with its activities to revive the tradition of military bands’ performances in the city parks and gardens, rightfully considered one of the most beautiful experiences of the past.

Coming up this Saturday, May 18, the first open concert of the military musicians will be held in the beautiful and blooming Alexander Garden, right beneath the Kremlin walls. As many as three legendary and world-famous ensembles, all participants of the Victory Parade on Red Square, will perform in the first concert of the season for the Muscovites and guests of the capital. They are the Cadet Band of the Moscow Military Music College named after Lieutenant General Valery Khalilov, the Exemplary Band of the Honor Guard and the Central Band of the Navy named after N. A. Rimsky -Korsakov.

Event Schedule

16:00–16:45 — Cadet Band of the Moscow Military Music College named after Lieutenant General Valery Khalilov, Italian Grotto of the Alexander Garden;

16:00–16:45 — Exemplary Band of the Honor Guard, Marshal Zhukov Monument on Manezhnaya Square;

16:55–17:10 — Opening ceremony, Italian Grotto of the Alexander Garden. Greetings by Mr. Sergey SMIRNOV, Head of the Spasskaya Tower Festival Directorate, Major General Timofey MAYAKIN, Head of the Military Music Band Service of the Russian Armed Forces — Chief Military Conductor, Mr. Andrey KIBOVSKIY, Head of the Department of Culture of Moscow;

17:10–17:30 — Performance of the combined band, Italian Grotto of the Alexander Garden;

17:30–18:20 — Central Band of the Navy named after N. A. Rimsky -Korsakov, Italian Grotto of the Alexander Garden.
