Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

Crescendo Bicycle Showband

The Netherlands

Bicycle Showband Crescendo

Bandmaster Erik van der Ploeg.

The Bicycle Showband Crescendo was founded in 1922 as a normal «sitting» fanfare just making music. Around 1960 Crescendo changed itself from a «sitting» fanfare into a marching showband. An invitation followed for the World Music Contest (WMC) in Kerkrade, where Crescendo has taken part several times with bands from all over the world, frequently ending-up with golden places as a result.

After a drum band was added to the fanfare, Crescendo continued as a showband. For a long period Crescendo enjoyed many successes until in the early seventies the enthusiasm gradually went down. However, in 1973 two members of the band came up with a fresh initiative, stepping with their instruments on their bikes and starting the new Crescendo for what it currently is: a world-famous bicycle showband.

Clothed in red/blue uniforms or Volendam national costumes with wooden shoes, Crescendo brings the combination of cycling musicians and walking intermezzos offering a full program of entertainment, all with great success.

Not only in the Netherlands Crescendo gives «acte de présence», also in other parts of Europe and far beyond, Crescendo is frequently invited. Taking part in a number of weekends at the Internationale Musikparade in Germany and also performed in countries such as France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Sweden and United Kingdom.

Some highlights beyond Europe are Japan (eight times), Malaysia, Turkey, Romania and China.

Years of performances of the collective: