Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

The Combined Band of the Russian Airborne Forces

2020 — 2022

The Combined Military Band of the Airborne Forces

Lieutenant Colonel Vladislav Tveyrdiy, Chief Conductor, Head of the Song and Dance Company of the Russian Airborne Forces.

Senior Lieutenant Vladislav Zaycev and Senior Lieutenant Evgeniy Baranchikov, Conductors and prize-winners of the Russian Armed Forces Military Bands Competition.

The Combined Band is the permanent participant of all solemn events of the Russian Aorborne Forces.

Every year the band’s musicians take part in the Great Victory Parade on Moscow’s Red Square, and solemn events held at the Patriot Park of Recreation and Culture of the Russian Armed Forces, International Army Games as well as events organized by the Airborne Forces command.

The combined band features ten of the best musicians of the military bands of the airborne and paratrooper units of the Russian Airborne Forces. Besides their great professional skills and music talent, they demonstrate excellent drilling and marching skills as well as great respect to their service.

The Combined Band of the Russian Airborne Forces are accompanied by the Song and Dance Company of the Russian Airborne Forces and Honor Guard Cadet Unit of the Ryazan Airborne Command Higher School named after Army General Margelov.

Years of performances of the collective: