Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
25 August 2017

5 railway stations of Moscow will host concerts of Spasskaya Tower Festival

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On the 26th of August, on the official opening day of the X International Military Music Festival “Spasskaya Tower”, international guests of this magnificent military music event will perform at Moscow railway stations.  

The grand opening and the first of the nine evening shows of the festival will take place at 20:00 at the Red Square. From 12:00 to 13:00 participants from the European Union, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Turkey and Egypt will perform accordingly at Belorussky, Yaroslavsky, Leningradsky, Kazansky and Paveletsky railway stations.

Last year was the first time when musical concerts took place at Moscow railway stations. This experience demonstrated that railway stations have great acoustics and are perfect for brass bands shows. Moreover, these concerts have a historical and architectural background. According to the specialists, the Russian word “vokzal” derives from the Latin “vox” – “voice” and English “hall”. In the ancient times entertainment facilities located in the London suburbs were called “vauxhall”.

Nowadays live concerts of professional brass bands at the railway stations of the Russian capital are rare, unexpected and memorable, thus it attracts a lot of spectators, entertains passengers and staff of railway stations.

Yaroslavsky railway station will host the performance of the the Band of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia and the Drummers Group “Yerevan Drums”. Passengers of the Leningradsky railway station will have a chance to enjoy the performance of The Band of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan. The Turkish Armed Forces Mehteran Unit will perform at the Kazansky railway station. The Egyptian Military Simphonic Band will create a unique atmosphere of one the most ancient world civilization at the Paveletsky railway station. The Celtic Massed Pipes and Drums Orchestra will demonstrate its amazing musical skills at the hall of the Belorussky railway station.

These shows will take place on the 26th of August at 12:00.  

To receive the accreditation for these events you need to send an email to or call Evgeny Eremeev on his mobile number+79030034135 by 14:00 August, 25th 2017.
