Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
2 August 2017

Band of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan Will Perform at the Spasskaya Tower Festival for the First Time

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The Band of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan will perform at the anniversary International Military Music Festival Spasskaya Tower, which will be held from August 26 to September 3, for the first time.

The Separate Military Showcase Band of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established in 1992 on the basis of the 11th Military Band of the Turkestan Military Command.

The military musical ensemble provides the Band accompaniment of meetings of heads of foreign states, coming to the republic with official visits, flower-laying ceremonies to memorable places, military rituals. Also, the Band takes part in important cultural, sports and socially important events: the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic, the Day of Memory and Honours, the Day of Defender of the Motherland, etc.

The staff of the Band is distinguished by its high performing and artistic level, impeccable military discipline and Bandl coherence. The repertoire of the ensemble includes national, military-patriotic, variety-jazz compositions, melodies of different countries. Its music carries an idea of ​​preserving the national traditions and at the same time the solidarity of the peoples of the world, friendship and peace on the whole Earth.

The Band’s management and its musicians are characterized by a continual creative activity aimed at the expansion of forms and genres of the military Bandl performance. The colonel Pavel Leontyevich Makarov, the Honoured Art Worker of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a holder of the «DOSTʻLIK» (FRIENDSHIP) Order is an artistic director and bandmaster. P. L. Makarov is a graduate of the military conductor faculty of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. Tchaikovsky (1977); he made the way from the military conductor of a military unit to the head of the Military Band Service that is fruitfully combined by him with giving concerts and composer activity. He wrote over thirty military marches that were included in the service and drill repertoire of military bands of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

For a quarter of a century, the Separate Military Showcase Band of the Ministry of Defense has made a worthy contribution to the development of the musical culture of Uzbekistan, to the aesthetic and patriotic education of fellow citizens, and also it has successfully represented its country abroad. Concerts of the Band were held in the USA: at the Norfolk naval base, at the headquarters of the United States Defense Ministry (Pentagon), the Naval Academy, the military music college, at municipal concert venues in America. In Germany, the Band participated in the 13th Berlin and 7th Cologne International Festivals of Military Bands.
