Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
21 May 2024

Military Bands Are Back Performing in Moscow’s Parks and Gardens

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As many as two bands of the Russia’s Ministry of Defense will give start to the eighth season of the Military Bands in the City Parks in Moscow.

This Saturday, May 25, come to Moscow’s Gorky Park and enjoy a plethora of renowned popular songs performed by the Military Band of the Alexander Nevsky Military University of Russia’s MoD. While on Sunday, May 26, don’t hesitate to visit the Khodynskoe Pole park that will be hosting the Military Band of the 1st Army of the Air Defense and Anti Missile Defense Forces of Russia.
The Military Band of the Military University was born in 1995 following the merger of the Humanitarian Academy of the Russian Armed Forces and the Military Academy of Economics, Finance and Law. This year the Military University will mark its 105th anniversary as one of the school’s predecessors was Petrograd’s Teacher’s Institute of the Red Army formed back in 1919. Nowadays the ensemble is regarded as a huge asset to the educational activities carried out within the university safeguarding and expanding military music traditions. Musicians are actively engaged in various cultural events, and regularly take part in military parades on Red Square as well as the Military Bands in the Military Parks project. The band’s leaders pay huge attention to mastering musicians skills as well as keeping the repertoire up-to-date.

You can catch some of the greatest and most beloved music pieces about Moscow, Russia, and the Great Patriotic War Victory at Gorkiy Park this Saturday, while soaring waltzes and other tunes will keep everyone moving.
The following day, on Sunday, don’t hesitate to come to the Khodynskoe Pole park and treat yourself to another portion of high-quality music. This time, it will be the turn of the talented musicians from the Military Band of the 1st Army of the Air Defense and Anti Missile Defense Forces of Russia to impress audiences with their vast repertoire, which includes military marches and waltzes, folk compositions, and popular modern hits.

The Military Band was established in 1961 onsite the air defense communication center situated in the city of Mytischi not far from the capital. The ensemble has an impressive achievements record, with the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games and welcoming back to Earth ceremony of Yuriy Gagarin standing out.

In 2024, the band musicians staged a series of concerts in the special military operation zone performing in front of the air defense and anti missile defense forces personnel, inspiring and keeping their morale up high.
With the ongoing support of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Organizing Committee of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Tattoo continues its efforts to revive one of the most charming traditions of the past, with military bands performing in parks and gardens, streets and alleys, and other important spots in Moscow and its environs. Throughout the summer, enchanting wind melodies will engulf parks and gardens in Moscow and its environs, paving the way for the Sixteenth Spasskaya Tower International Military Tattoo that will unfold on Red Square from August 28 to September 1.

We are looking forward to meeting you all on May 25 at 4pm (16:00) in Gorky Park (near the central entrance), and on May 26 at 4pm (16:00) in the Khodynskoe Pole park (near the dry fountain).

Entrance is free.
