Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

Music during the Great Patriotic War

Music doubles and even triples the force of the army,
and with a priest cross, banners unfurle
and the thunderous roar of music I captured Ismail.

Alexander Suvorov, Field Marshal and Generalissimo of the Russian Empire

Honoring the 75th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War Victory the Directorate of the Spasskaya Tower Festival is launching on its official webpage a special section dedicated to the War Years Music. Here you will find information about the crucial role played by the music and military musicians during the difficult times that our country had to go through. We will share many interesting and little-known facts that we’ve learned studying works by prominent researchers of the Russian and foreign military music history.

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