Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

Welcome address of the President of JSC Transneft

Dear friends,

On behalf of Transneft I welcome all the participants and guests of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival.

In the current situation, the Festival’s goals and principles are becoming increasingly important. Over the years, Spasskaya Tower has been carrying out its mission, proclaiming peace and cooperation in the language of military music, and introducing national styles of different countries and peoples to the audience.

We are delighted to see the participants who support our good tradition, and share with us the high spirit of this remarkable festival. We also express our appreciation and respect to orchestras that are not able, for some reasons, including those beyond their control, to join us this time to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Spasskaya Tower together.

I firmly believe that the good will and enthusiasm uniting music bands in this glorious and outstanding event will flourish, and the festival’s message will never fail to reach the minds and hearts of people all over the world, trumpeting a strong and clear call to friendship, mutual respect and equitable cooperation.

Wishing the participants inspiration and success.

President of JSC Transneft
Nikolay Tokarev
