Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

Official instruments of the Festival — Yamaha Music

Yamaha is one of the world leaders in musical instruments industry, famous for its’ active social engagement and support of educational programs all over the world.

Since its' foundation more than 125 years ago Yamaha has collaborated with many eminent musicians from all over the world. In Russia the company works with such musicians as Alexandre Ozeritsky, soloist and assistant of the Mariinsky Theatre; Vladislav Vals, professor of the Gnessin Russian Academy of music; Vladislav Lavrik, soloist of the Russian National Orchestra; Mikhail Gaiduk, soloist and assistant of the Bolshoi Theatre. There is also the brilliant «New Life Brass» quintet consisting of Maxim Makushev, Ramil Akhmadulin, Vladimir Mezentsev, Evgueny Guriev and Maxim Shtoda that actively collaborates with Yamaha, prommoting the art of brass music in Russia. And of course we must mention the precious and sincere friendship between Yamaha and great pianists from past and present: Svyatoslav Rikhter and Denis Matsuev.

The Company develops a fruitful partnership with many Russian musical institutions that highly appreciated the perfect quality of the Yamaha instruments. Among them there are: Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory, Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, Mariinsky Theatre, Novosibirsk State Conservatory M. Glinka, N. G. Zhiganov Kazan State Conservatory, etc.

Yamaha supports various music contests, festivals and master-classes.
It’s already the seventh year that Yamaha has been sponsoring the International military tattoo «Spasskaya Tower», providing the best Russian bands with its’ professional brass and percussion instruments.

Yamaha pays much attention to cultural programs aimed to restore the military bands in Russia and the tradition of open air performances of brass and marching bands. That is why Yamaha considers the partnership with the main military festival of Russia to be one of the priorities in popularization of military brass bands and Yamaha orchestral instruments.

Within the frames of collaboration the company provides with the professional musical instruments the following orchestras: the Central military Band of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation, the Presidential Band of Russian Federation, Moscow military music Institute.

Supporting Russian music culture and contributing to its’ development is one of the Yamaha’s priorities. Collaboration with the educational and cultural institutions is a particular honor and a chance for the company to make its’ own contribution to the education and support of the young generation of the Russian music tradition.
