Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

The Company of “Vieux Grenadiers” of Geneva

2014 — 2018

The Company of “Vieux Grenadiers” of Geneva

Commandant of the Company — Captain Georges Abbondioli.

Chief Conductor — Sergeant-Major Christian Dominique Sallin.

The Geneva’s Grenadiers corps, being as the very best troops of the Geneva’s militia, was created in 1686. In October 1749, fourteen Grenadiers decide to meet, alongside their professional activities, with the aim to improve their comradeship. The “Circle of Grenadiers”- later being the Society of the “Vieux Grenadiers”- was born. Today it is one of the oldest patriotic societies of Geneva, with its motto: “Homeland — Family — Friendship”.

Today the Company of “Vieux Grenadiers” of Geneva, which consists of 120 men, parades during patriotic, historical or cultural events, in Switzerland and abroad.

Since 1969, the company is strengthened by a marching band, reinforcing its spectacular performance. All melodies played by the marching band are Swiss and Napoleonic marches.

The Company is organized and controlled by a military General Staff. The Grenadiers parade behind its Commanding officer, in the following order: the sappers with their axes wearing white leather aprons; the flag carries; the drum Major and his drummers; the music leader and his musicians; grenadiers with their muskets and their officers.

Guns, swords and sabres, which are kept in the Company’s arsenal, are authentic and have served on European battlefields, mainly in the French armies. Even today, the evolutions and shots of the Company are ordered according to the 1813 rules.

Years of performances of the collective: