Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

Chilean Equestrian Squad Palmas De Peñaflor


Chilean Equestrian Squad Palmas De Peñaflor

Don Alfredo Moreno Charme, Founder.

Alfredo Moreno Echeverria, Head of the Team.

This team is widely known in Chile as representatives and keepers of the customs of the country. It consists not only of an equestrian group, but also musicians and dancers who all perform in lovely national costumes to the sound of authentic music. The team regularly goes on tour around the country and plays at official events, displaying the cultural identity of the Chilean people to the international community. For example, in 2013 the team performed at the summit of the heads of states of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the European Union (EU), which assembled representatives from 60 states in the Chilean capital, Santiago.

The team also showcases folk customs and culture outside the country at high-level events and festivities, acting as something of an ambassador of Chilean culture. Thus, in the United Kingdom the ensemble took part in festivities to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee (2016). In 2014 the team performed at the Charros and Huasos horse shows in Mexico. In Spain, the equestrian team took part in the opening of the Féria de Sevilla festival and performed at the Royal Stables of Cordoba, putting on a show together with the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art.

Years of performances of the collective: