Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

The Turetsky Choir


Turetsky Choir and SOPRANO Art Group go on enlarging the outreach of their music marathon called the Unity Songs. Performed in the name of peace and well-being, sounds of these songs will soon fill the air of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival held on Red Square, in the heart of Russia. This year the Unity Songs program is particularly relevant as the leading theme of the 2021 Spasskaya Tower Military Tattoo reads as Time, Music and Peace, three basic notions that once were taken as the foundation for the Unity Songs show.

This year the Unity Songs show project opened the spring season kicking off in Asia to mark the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Then it went further reaching such European countries as Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Austria, Spain, etc.

The Unity Songs project has become a true music embassy at the service of peace. Along its history the project has already united more than 20 countries as well as thousands of people of all nations and religions.

Don’t miss the Unity Songs show staged at the Spasskaya Tower Festival on Moscow’s Red Square on September 1 at 8pm (20:00) sharp. Supported by Russian Railways JSC.
