Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
3 September 2021

Dances, Vibrant Music and a Giant VDV Flag on Moscow’s Red Square

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The Fourteenth Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival is gradually coming to its end. Today, Moscow’s Red Square welcomed the eighth show of this splendid celebration of music and arts staged by the military bands, honor guard units and dance ensembles from Russia, Belarus, Greece, Qatar and Mexico. 

The weather tried to make its own adjustments, but our guests were not so easily scared off, and despite the rain they came to witness the art unfolding on Red Square staying till the very end. 

Now it’s time to introduce you to the Combined Band of the Russian Airborne Forces that performs along with the Song and Dance Company of the Russian Airborne Forces and Honor Guard Cadet Unit of the Ryazan Airborne Command Higher School named after Army General Margelov. They all are among the debutants of the 2021 Spasskaya Tower International Military Tattoo. 

Musicians perform what they’ve called the VDV Storm Fantasy featuring a medley of classical compositions (Khachaturyan’s Sabre Dance, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Karl Jenkins’ Palladio) and several VDV-related pieces. While dancers show that they are really capable of anything from gripping acrobatic tricks and break-dance to intricate dancing patterns. To finish strong, the performers brought out to the cobblestones of Red Square a giant Airborne Forces flag covering the whole square. 

And, definitely, the night couldn’t lack the grandiose fireworks that lit the skies high above Moscow.
