Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
23 August 2018

Solemn Cancellation Ceremony of the Spasskaya Tower Official Postcard Was Held on Red Square

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August 24, the solemn cancellation ceremony of the Spasskaya Tower official postcard was held for Media representatives on Red Square. 

The project titled the “Mood of the Festival around the World” is being carried out together with the Russian Post. The Spasskaya Tower official postcard was cancelled by Mr. Sergey Smirnov, Head of the Festival’s Directorate and Executive Secretary of the Festival’s Public Council, and Mr. Yaroslav Madron, Deputy Director General for Strategy and State Regulation of the Russian Post. They signed four postcards and cancelled them with the special souvenir embossing stamp. Then they exchanged folders with those postcards and repeated the procedure once again. 

The ceremony continued with Mr. Yaroslav Madron and Lieutenant General Sergey Khlebnikov, Head of the Service of Moscow Kremlin’s Commandant of the Federal Guard Service, cancelling another four postcards dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Service of Moscow Kremlin’s Commandant. All the canceled postcards were framed and presented to the officials taking part in the ceremony. 

Mr. Madron told Media representatives that it was big honor for the Russian Post to be part of the Mood of the Festival around the World project. He added that the Spasskaya Tower Festival was a unique and breathtaking event that very organically managed to become the integral part of the cultural life of Russia. According to him that joint project will allow a bigger number of people learning about the Festival. 
