Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
6 July 2020

In the Forest, Near the Frontline

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Mikhail Isakovskiy used to remember “Lyrics to this song were written on the shores of Kama in the city of Chistopol during the second year of the War. When I was working, I imagined a true Russian forest touched by the colors of autumn, and the striking silence, so unfamiliar to the soldiers who have just left the battlefield and that cannot be disturbed even by the sounds of accordion. I sent the lyrics to Matvey Blanter, my old friend and composer…”

Blanter viewed the song as a waltz. He composed the original tune and merged it with some intonations belonging to the ‘Autumn Dream’ old-times waltz. It’s this combination that makes the song so special and bright as if it belongs to those times of happiness that lack all the war hardships and atrocities.

Following the reminisces by Matvey Blanter: “When we were composing lyric songs during the war we wanted to give the soldiers an opportunity to talk with their beloved, an opportunity to share with them the most personal thoughts”.

But the song isn’t a mere lyric composition. Its melody sounds like a call to go on fighting and driving the enemy out.
Sourced: “Советская музыка” (Soviet Music), “Военный альбом” (Military Álbum) “Победа.екатеринбург.рф”. websites.
