Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
18 June 2020

Performing at the Very Edge of a Battlefield…

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Desiring to preserve valuable information about the activities of the military band music service during the Great Patriotic War, the Inspection for Military Bands prepared and forwarded through the Army Command an order binding all the armies’ staffs and agencies to collect only verified information about the military bands’ activities both on the battlefields and on the home front. Owing to this order we now have a chance to trace the war-time activities of the Jazz Band of the People’s Commissariat of Defense of the Soviet Union, the predecessor of the world-famous Central Military Band of the Russian MoD. Looking through the orders and bulletins kept in the archives we may understand what was the significance of the performances staged by the Jazz Band of the People’s Commissariat of Defense of the Soviet Union at the very front edge of the battlefields, what an inspiration it was for soldiers and their commanders.

Here you will find some them.

Following the Order of March 7, 1942 concerning the 307th Rifle Division:

“Despite all the difficulties the soldiers of the Jazz Band of the People’s Commissariat of Defense of the Soviet Union, staying with our division, staged four excellent concerts for the division’s units.
It’s worth noting the versatility of the band’s repertoire and their great performing skills”.

Following the resolution of April 5, 1942 stayed by the Military Council of the 3d Army of the Bryansk Front:

“The Jazz Band of the People’s Commissariat of Defense of the Soviet Union was assigned to work in the army units from March 20 to April 5, 1942.
Within this short period of time and despite all the difficulties the band managed to stage a big number of concerts directly at the front lines.
All the band’s members devotedly carried out their duty, inspiring the soldiers and their commanders to beat the Nazis till the end”.

Following the order of April 9, 1942 issued by the Political Directorate of the Bryansk Front:

“Being assigned to the Bryansk Front from February 17 to April 9, 1942 the Jazz Band of the People’s Commissariat of Defense of the Soviet Union staged 107 high-level concerts.
The majority of the performances were staged for the units fighting at the front edge of the battlefields. Musicians performed in whatever conditions — at half-destroyed churches and schools, overlooking severe frosts and winter weather, at day and at night.
All the varied performances were a great success. They inspired the soldiers and their commanders, lifting up their spirits and bravery as well as giving them strength to carry on fighting the Nazi occupants”.
