Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival


Rules of visiting of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

as of March 26, 2025*

  1. Following terms and definitions are used in the Rules below:

    Festival — the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival;
    Festival Organizer — legal entity carrying out the Festival and the run-up to the Festival activities;
    Festival Shows — daytime and evening shows of the Festival with admittance carried out by tickets;
    Festival Events — events of the Festival carried out on the free of charge basis, with visitors being admitted without tickets;
    Territory of the Festival — Moscow city, Vasil’evskiy Spusk Square from Red Square to the Kremlin Embarkment, Red Square from the Kremlin Pass, Voskresenskie Vorota Pass to Vasilievskiy Spusk Square, Voskresenskie Vorota Pass (Historic Pass), Kremlin Pass from Red Square to Manezhnaya Square, in accordance with the Festival organization scheme approved by the organizers for the dates of the Festival events and shows.

  2. When purchasing tickets for the Festival, the ticket holder commits to comply with the public safety rules on the territory of the Festival and the Rules presented below.
  3. We would like to draw your attention that the Article 20 of the Rules and Regulations of holding and organizing massed cultural, entertaining, sports and advertising events in the city of Moscow (validated by the order of the Mayor of Moscow of 05.10.2000 N. 1054-PM (last edited on 30.08.2016)) it is PROHIBITED TO:
    • Bring the following articles into the territory of the Festival — weapons, flammable, explosive, poisonous, hazardous and radioactive items, knives, suitcases, backpacks, big bags and parcels, glass and other items that might compromise public/audience safety or normal course of the event;
    • Smoke on the territory of the Festival;
    • Drink alcohol beverages/or be in condition of intoxication on the territory of the Festival as it affronts human dignity and public morality;
    • Throw away items on the stands, stage and other territories of the Festival, as well as commit other actions compromising the normal course of the event;
    • Shout out or commit actions affronting human dignity of the event participants and audiences as well as public morality;
    • Stand in passages and staircases during the holding of the event, hamper movements of the event participants, climb up fences, parapets, lighting devices, filming platforms, trees, masts, roofs, and supporting constructions, damage equipment, decorations and other elements, and green plantings;
    • Enter without the Festival Organizers permission the stage, fitting and makeup rooms of the event participants as well as other service and equipment rooms of the event grounds;
    • Bring animals into the territory of the Festival;
    • Carry out any trade activities, write or placard any kind of ads, posters or other items with information content without the written permission of the Festival Organizers;
    • Wear and demonstrate any insignia or other symbols aimed at inciting any race, social, national and religious discord.
  4. Violation of any of the rules and regulations mentioned in the Article 3 of the present Rules entails administrative liability under the Administrative Code of the city of Moscow, and any other liability under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  5. The Festival organizers reserve the right to introduce on the territory of the Festival certain restrictive measures in order to ensure the compliance with the federal legislation, rules and recommendations by the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Moscow), as well as legal acts issued by Mayor of Moscow and Moscow executive authorities to ensure sanitary and epidemiological safety.
  6. The Festival organizers (and its authorized representatives) reserve the right to deny access to the territory of the Festival (remove from the territory of the Festival) those having high body temperature (exceeding 37.1 degrees C), and/or having visual symptoms of respiratory diseases (cough, running nose, weakness).
  7. Program of the Festival shows are published on the Festival official website. The Festival Organizer reserves the right to modify and/or make amendments to the above-mentioned program.
  8. Admittance to the Festival shows is carried out only by tickets in accordance with the present Rules and legal acts of the Russian Federation Law.
  9. Tickets for the Festival may be acquired only via the official website of the Festival, and with the representatives authorized (accredited) by the Festival Organizer (for the list of the authorized (accredited) representatives and related information please visit the Festival official website).
  10. Third parties (not authorized (accredited) by the Festival Organizer) selling tickets to the Festival is considered illegal and contradicts the Article 52.1 of the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning culture.
  11. The Festival Organizer is not responsible for the tickets acquired from not authorized (accredited) representatives. In case of dubious situations, the Festival Organizer reserves the right to deny the access to or remove from the show the visitor who acquired the ticket from not authorized (accredited) representatives without cost reimbursement. We recommend to keep your cash voucher to resolve such disputes.
  12. Owner of the ticket is responsible for keeping the ticket safe and preventing it from copying and/or other forms of replication. The Festival Organizer reserves the right to deny the access to the show in case it doubts the authenticity of the ticket and its elements.
  13. Each ticket is valid for one person and grants the visitor one-time entrance to the Festival show on the date and time mentioned in the tickets.
  14. Children under 14 are allowed to the show only if accompanied by an adult. Children under the age of 7 may visit the Festival show for free only if accompanied by an adult (one child for one person) and without occupying a separate seat. Admittance to the Festival show of children from the age of 7 is carried out only by tickets.
  15. Tickets are to be kept till the end of the Festival show and if necessary presented immediately on demand of the Festival organizers and its authorized representatives. If due to some reasons the holder of the ticket has to temporarily leave the territory of the Festival during the show, the ticket has to be scanned on the entrance and the ticket holder can return to the venue to see the show till the end on the same date the ticket is valid for.
  16. Tickets with modifications made are not valid. The Festival Organizer reserves the right to deny the access to the Festival show or remove from the show the visitor with a modified ticket without cost reimbursement.
  17. Entrances to the Festival territory to attend the Festival shows start one hour before the show from the Historical Museum side, from Nikolskaya street (Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya, Ploschad Revolutsii metro stations) and Ilyinka street (Ploschad Revolutsuii, Kitay-Gorod metro stations).
  18. The Festival Organizer kindly asks all the visitors to arrive in advance. The Festival Organizer reserves the right to deny the access to the Festival stands’ complex after the show has begun without cost reimbursement.
  19. During the Festival show all the mobile devices are to be switched to silent mode.
    During the Festival shows visitors are not allowed to:
    • use flashes, tripods and large photo lens equipment;
    • leave the seat, carry out filming and photo-shooting standing in the passages and/or in front of the seats.
  20. To grant the copyright and other related rights any professional (using the professional equipment) audio, photo and video shooting is not allowed unless there is a special permittance issued by the Festival Organizer.
  21. In case of any material damage caused to the Festival organizer by the ticket holder, it is to be reimbursed in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation.
  22. People violating the present Rules will be removed from the territory of the Festival with no ticket refund.

*  The current version of the Festival Visiting Rules is the one currently published on the Festival official website below the link All previous versions of the Festival Visiting Rules (differing from the current version) are no longer valid and not to be applied. Jump up.

Rules of Visiting the Festival Shows by E-Tickets

Visitors acquiring the Festival e-tickets are admitted to the Festival shows on presenting the printed e-tickets for the show.

The printed e-ticket shall be in the A4 format, and shall contain all the information, which is available in the electronic version of the ticket. The e-ticket shall remain unchanged until the end of the event.

The e-ticket file and/or printed e-tickets for the Festival show shall be unchanged until the end of the show and should be presented immediately if required by the Festival Organizers and its representatives.

In case the e-ticket and/or printed e-ticket lacks the complete and reliable information, the Festival Organizer reserves the right to deny the access to or remove the visitor from the territory of the show without cost reimbursement.
