Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

Welcome address of the Mayor of Moscow

Dear friends,  

I would like to heartily welcome you to the Fifteenth Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival.

This unprecedented music festival has firmly established itself as one of Moscow’s most important cultural events in recent years. Spectacular shows, high-end performing skills, and carefully selected music pieces, altogether, contribute to the preservation and building up of the widely appreciated and glorious military music traditions.
This year’s Festival has once again gathered in Moscow some of the best military bands and artistic ensembles from Russia and all over the globe. Once more, we are excited to witness unforgettable concerts unfolding on Red Square, in Moscow’s parks and gardens, and other city venues.

I am sure that the anniversary run of the Spasskaya Tower Festival will stir great interest among Muscovites and guests of the capital and bring them the joy of meeting splendid musicians and discovering the wonderful world of art.

My dear friends, I wish you great mood, vibrant emotions, and new artistic achievements.

Mayor of Moscow
Sergey Sobyanin
