Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival
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Official website of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival

Children's Competition in Trick and Fancy Riding

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The Spasskaya Tower Children Fancy and Trick Riding Competition

August 30 at 10 am the horse riding arena of the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival will once again welcome the Spasskaya Tower Children Fancy and Trick Riding Competition.

Fancy and trick riding (or jigitovka) is the historical military branch of the national equestrian culture. It played an important role in drilling horse soldiers and had both military and sports use.

This year 20 riders, prize-winners of the fancy and trick riding qualification round held within the Third Open Moscow Children and Youth Equestrian Arts and Sports Festival, will show all their skills and talents in the finale on Red Square.
